One of my favorite jazz tunes is Maiden Voyage by Herbie Hancock. It was released in 1965 and is considered one of the great jazz tunes of all-time. I listen to it quite often because it’s such a relaxing song. The premise of the song centers around marine and oceanic themes. I don’t know how many versions of this song currently exist, but what I do know is that every time I hear it, i’m taken on a new journey through the lens of music and who doesn’t like a good trip?
I envision Modality Creative Studio to be a lot like this tune. The good thing is, this is one we’ll get to take together. The “Maiden Voyage of Stephen Holmes”, owner founder of Modality Creative Studio or something cheesy like that. I imagine this blog will be a bit multi-faceted and very fluid with respect to topics and content. Of course, i’ll do my best to give you the most current industry news and trends as it relates to creative design and marketing, but i’ll also share stories of my journey through the prism of an entrepreneur. So today, i’m just one guy, but hopefully this thing will take off into something more. Something that even my own eye may not be able to see.
For the time being, just make sure you continue to stop by and share along this journey with me and Modality. Feel free to share your thoughts comments, words of encouragement, issues concerns, disagreements, anything. Healthy dialogue is a key to keeping our selves socially fit. Thanks for dropping by the Modality Blog!
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